Postdoctoral Testimonials
A few words from our current
and past postdoctoral clinicians
“My experience at Madison Park Psychological Services has been quite rewarding. I did not know what to expect, having worked in community-based clinics, schools, and hospitals in the past, but I feel I have found a great match in MPPS. I feel incredibly supported by Dr. Yasmine Saad; I feel comfortable being my authentic self during supervision and I feel that she has found a way to brighten and enhance my clinical skills while allowing me to stay true to the clinician I am.”
READ MORE“I completed my postdoc training at Madison Park Psychological Services (MPPS). MPPS was the perfect transition from a psychology trainee to feeling competent as a psychologist in private practice. The practice is run by Dr. Saad who provides an excellent postdoc experience. Dr. Saad has a unique approach to psychology and psychotherapy and shares her knowledge graciously. Perhaps what is most unique about MPPS is the practice itself.”
READ MORE“I was drawn to MPPS by the promise of an experience in a thriving private practice, excellent supervision under Dr.’s Saad and Khadivi, and interaction with a diverse group of patients and colleagues. This has been exactly what I have had the opportunity to enjoy during my postdoc over the last year and a half. I have had a volume of patients greater than at any other point in my training, and have felt that each patient and case has moved my development forward as a therapist.”
READ MORE“One of the greatest strengths of this training program is how it helps you to trust your clinical intuition as you continue to grow and strengthen your own voice as a therapist. The rewards and challenges of working with a very different patient population than that typically seen during the predoctoral training years leads to significant and rapid growth as a therapist. You get a real sense of what it’s like working within a group private practice, as you learn to deal with insurance and financial aspects of private practice, and its interaction with clinical work and your own professional development.”
READ MORE“The post doc at MPPS is a great fellowship to gain experience in a private practice setting. At MPPS, you will be working with high functioning, high SES patients with diverse psychopathology. What makes this a unique fellowship is the eastern medicine approach that is a large part of the practice, providing wholistic treatment to patients. Additionally, working with supervisors and colleagues of different orientations and backgrounds who can provide different views and perspectives (including an eastern medicine perspective), allows for a special experience.”
READ MORE“My time as a postdoc at MPPS has been unlike any other training experience that I’ve encountered. I always knew I wanted to continue to grow and learn as an early career psychologist and, after 6 months, I can truly say I’m doing just that. My time so far has allowed me to work with a high-functioning patient population which has helped me develop trust within myself and my own clinical intuition. In addition, Dr. Saad and Dr. Khadivi’s supervision has been rich with knowledge and extremely insightful.”
READ MORE“The post-doctoral training I have received thus far at Madison Park Psychological Services has easily exceeded my expectations. One of the things that I have enjoyed most about the training are the weekly team meetings where we often present cases to each other and are given the opportunity to get insight from brilliant clinicians with a variety of backgrounds. As a therapist who specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy this has challenged me to integrate other perspectives into my practice.”
READ MORE“The post doctoral fellowship at Madison Park Psychological Services provides a unique clinical experience developed to meet the needs, skills and varying approaches of individual trainees. Trainees are not only thoroughly trained and supervised but one’s own therapeutic orientation is enhanced and integrated with new ways of thinking about the therapeutic process, the therapeutic relationship, and oneself. Trainees are gradually exposed based on readiness and interest to increased independence, such as that of an experience of running one’s own private practice.”
READ MORE“Working at Madison Park Psychological Services has been both an enriching and challenging experience. Dr. Saad’s emphasis on here-and-now psychology has encouraged me to integrate a refreshing Eastern perspective with my contemporary, psychodynamic training. This has deepened my clinical thinking while also providing me with a new framework to approach each session. I have been able to schedule patients in a way that fits my unique lifestyle, providing me with ample opportunity for work-life balance. There are several opportunities to grow in the practice, and I am excited to see what the next few years will bring!”
“When I think about my experience at MPPS many adjectives come to mind (overwhelmingly positive), and yet one more than the others: balance. Balancing multiple therapeutic approaches, eastern and western models, intuition and scholarly (evidence-based) knowledge, freedom and structure, support and independence. My post-doc experience at MPPS has been truly wonderful. It has helped me grow as a clinician, and an individual. One of the greatest parts has been the feeling of freedom to grow without fear of negative judgment.”
READ MORE“I was initially drawn to Madison Park because of the opportunity it offered to gain experience with the private practice model, and since joining I have been consistently impressed by the richness of the clinical community, and the diversity of voices and perspectives present here. Each therapist on staff has their own expertise to offer, and immersing myself in the thoughtful, collaborative, and earnestly clinical MPPS environment has helped me to grow as a person and as a psychologist.”
READ MORE“I was drawn to MPPS because of my good fortune in being a student of Dr. Khadivi during my doctoral training. I deeply admire his keen assessment skills, the integrity of his clinical approach, his capacity to think critically and analytically about interventions, his precision in use of language, and his emphasis on suffering as an active process which the patient generates and participates in. I tend to be an intuitive person and therefore impressionistic in my approach and felt that I would benefit from working with someone who is highly phenomenological in his approach. In short, I sought both balance and challenge – two of the core values of MPPS.”
READ MORE“Working at MPPS has provided me the unique opportunity to explore working in a private practice setting while still having the support of this special community. Dr. Saad and Dr. Khadivi bring distinctive and complementary perspectives to supervision and team meetings.Patients here are very engaged in therapy and low risk which has allowed me to fine tune technique and my therapeutic style all while having a flexible schedule that allows me to balance work and my personal life. “
“My post-doc experience at Madison Park was transformative. I chose Madison Park because I came from clinical neuroscience and was interested in Dr. Saad’s Eastern, more spiritual/energetic approach to mental health. I was also thrilled to be able to continue working with Dr. Khadivi, a world class assessment psychologist. It turned out to be exactly what I needed. Dr. Saad emphasizes flow, authenticity, and playfulness.
READ MORE“My post-doc training, thus far, at MPPS has been an enriching and transformative experience, shaping both my professional development and personal growth in profound ways. One of the most unique and valuable treasures of this training has been the opportunity to learn how to integrate Western and Eastern approaches to the treatment of psychological conditions, a skill that has deepened my understanding and appreciation for holistic healing.”
“During my postdoctoral experience at MPPS, I have been so fortunate to learn from and connect with such a diverse, talented, and thoughtful group of peers and clinicians. This collaborative environment has not only enriched my professional growth but also added a sense of community to my work. The postdoc at MPPS is a great opportunity to gain firsthand insight into the intricacies of working in a private practice setting.”
“I sought out a postdoctoral experience that would foster independence and agency, so I could refine my clinical voice now that the crunch of training and internship was in the rearview mirror. To that end, MPPS has been a wonderful transition space from graduate school to professional life. It has confirmed the enriching atmosphere of a group practice setting and further confirmed where I see myself as I build my professional life and navigate what feels like a sustainable work-life balance.”
“I felt compelled to join MPPS after learning I would become intimately acquainted with the private practice model. I have since not been disappointed, as MPPS is a flourishing private practice that I feel lucky to be a part of. I have learned how to navigate insurance companies as well as value myself at the out of pocket fee we offer, which is no small feat. The New York clientele is high functioning, diverse, and intellectually stimulating. I have the fortune of benefitting clinically from treating four of my patients twice-weekly.”
READ MORE“To work at Madison Park is unlike any setting I’ve ever worked. Dr. Saad is warm and supportive and Dr. Khadivi is wise and pragmatic. Together they manage a team of wonderful psychologists. We meet once a week as a full team to discuss cases and I am regularly humbled by the amount of genuineness, interest, and sheer care that these therapists have for their clients and their work. The clientele are most often quite high functioning and come from a place of privilege, so it has been a unique experience to work with this population as I did not get exposure like this in grad school.”
READ MORE“My time at MPPS has stretched my understanding of working with a diverse clientele, some of whom are dipping their toes into insight-oriented work. The challenge and supervision has supported me to develop a new lens of understanding of how to meet people where they are at. With this challenge, I have learned to work with individuals and couples while honing on developing my skills as a clinician. I have appreciated supervision that both supports my intuition while also challenging me to conceptualize things from different points of view.”
READ MORE“I was initially drawn to Madison Park because of the integrative/holistic view the practice embodied. Upon my first interaction with Dr. Saad and Dr. Khadivi, I felt immediately welcomed and at ease. They were both very transparent with how the practice operated and what my growth trajectory would look like at Madison Park. Flash forward to my second year of my post doc, Madison Park has been a wonderful learning experience. I have felt continuously supported by Dr. Saad and Dr. Khadivi along with my colleagues.”
“I decided to do my postdoctoral training at MPPS because I believed it would fulfill everything I was looking for in a postdoc; and within the year I have been here thus far, I can certainly say it has. I was searching for a warm, supportive environment filled with clinicians of all different theoretical and practical orientations where I would have the opportunity to constantly learn and grow from everyone around me, while also maintaining a sustainable work-life balance. This is exactly what I have found in MPPS. Over the last year, I have personally developed more as a well-rounded, integrative clinician than I ever thought I could in a year, while still having time for the other meaningful aspects of my life.”

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