Inner Message Approach™

What is the Inner Message Approach?


The Inner Message Approach is a stand-alone method that can also be used as a first step in therapy services rendered by trained professionals.

It is based on the following principles:

  • Thoughts and emotions are coded messages revealing your deepest desires, current state, future direction, motivation, and obstacles.
  • These messages encompass your past, present, and potential future.
  • Your mind encodes wisdom in thoughts and emotions, based on your unique inner blueprint.
  • Thoughts and emotions are influenced by your internal and external environments, filtered through cognitive schemas.
  • Decoding these thoughts and emotions unlocks this wisdom, aiding in personal growth and smoother progress.
  • Thoughts and emotions signal the need for self-rebalance and are themselves attempts at achieving balance.
  • They provide access to subconscious content, which is just below the surface, termed pre-conscious.
  • Accessing this subconscious material requires logical questioning, leading to insights that feel true and obvious.
  • The premise is that you possess sufficient internal information to find clarity and a better way forward. By logically decoding your thoughts and emotions, you can connect with your core self and navigate obstacles, facilitating a smoother journey toward your goals.

The key lies in decoding your thoughts and emotions to reveal this inner roadmap and achieve well-being 🙂 This approach not only empowers you with the knowledge to heal yourself but also allows you to see yourself more clearly — hence our slogan, “You See You, the Essence of You”.


How can the Inner Message Approach™ be applied?


The Inner Message Approach™ consists of 3 phases:

  • Engage your Inner Compass: what is the thought or the emotion calling your attention? Go deeper.
  • Reveal your inner blueprint: your thoughts and emotions carry where you are in this moment, what you are aiming for, and the way you motivate yourself to get there: you can infer obstacles along the way and ways to resolve them
  • Crack the Code: put all the information you gathered for an easy way to a better future

Here are 5 steps to use to go from phase 1 to 3:

  1. Identifying the thought or emotion that you are experiencing
  2. Identifying the unmet desire that is triggering the thought or emotion
  3. Connect to what this desire reflects about you or your relationship with yourself
  4. Connect to the growth opportunity rather than focusing on what’s missing
  5. Be grateful for your thoughts and emotions and your self-discoveries: Identify what you have learned about yourself in terms of what you desire, your way of motivating yourself, your obstacles, and ways to overcome them. Can you be grateful for your thoughts and emotions and the inner blueprint they contain?


Why choose the Inner Message Approach?


The Inner Message Approach™ is fast and effective right away. The Inner Message Approach™ teaches you how to decode your thoughts and emotions to break free from the negative and access the wisdom that is lying right in front of you. In sum:

  • It’s efficient and provides immediate benefits.
  • Encourages self-reliance, reducing dependency on external guidance.
  • Teaches you to decode thoughts and emotions, unlocking hidden wisdom and guiding you towards a more fulfilling future.
  • It connects you to an inner system that constantly attempts to bring you to balance.

So the question is more, why wouldn’t you use this approach that will give you freedom and access to your inner guide so that you see clearly what needs to be done for a better future?


Are You Seeking Therapy Services Based On The Inner Message Approach?


The first step is to jump on a call with our admin team who will orient you to the practice and match you with a senior psychologist who can determine if the Inner Message Approach™ therapeutic services are suitable for your unique situation. If the initial assessment indicates that this is the most suitable of all therapeutic options available, the most suitable psychologist (specifically trained in the Inner Message Approach™) having a good personality fit will be assigned to you to provide bespoke therapy sessions.


Benefits of The Inner Message Approach™ Therapeutic Services


The Inner Message Approach™ therapeutic services help you decode your thoughts and emotions so that you are less negatively affected by them. Under the guidance of an experienced therapist, it’s possible access the personal information revealed by your thoughts and emotions so they can be meaningfully interpreted.

Every thought and emotion reveals your current state, your desired future, the possibility of a path you can take to realize your desired future, and the obstacles along the way. Equipped with this information, you can gain clarity on the path forward and with your therapist’s support, come up with strategies to avoid the potential obstacles along the way. 

The Inner Message Approach™ therapeutic services can connect you with your most authentic, meaningful and satisfying transformational possibilities.
Depending on your goal(s), one to 10 sessions are recommended to experience the transformational outcome.


Cost of Inner Message Approach™ Therapeutic Services




Our Inner Message Approach™ therapeutic services are priced the same way as the clinic’s other therapeutic service options. Check out our rate and insurance tab.

For exploring whether the Inner Message Approach™ services may be suitable for your unique situation, click here to book your next session.



How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than reframing?


At the core of The Inner Message Approach™ is the principle that thought and emotions carry wisdom about you, and therefore, they should be understood and decoded to access this wisdom. Once you have decoded the wisdom, you can start doing some inner work for an easier path forward. You will know exactly what inner work needs to be done and if reframing will be part of this inner work. Reframing could therefore be added to the Inner Message Approach™ but is not necessary. 

The technique of reframing instead does not include the idea that your thoughts and emotions are as valuable as coded messages. It rather implies that you have to think about things in a different framework. Although this might be true, engaging in reframing with applying the Inner Message Approach™ will rob you of the wisdom hidden in plain sight about how you operate, what you want to achieve, and how you are going about it. The Inner Message Approach™ will save you time and give you a clearer and better-defined path which will lead to faster results.


How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than CBT?


The Inner Message Approach™ is rooted in the idea that your thoughts and emotions carry wisdom about you and that they are a product of your inner and outer environment filtered by your cognitive distortions. CBT does not focus on the wisdom embedded in your thoughts and emotions, it rather focuses on your cognitive distortions and their impact on your emotions and behavior. The focus of CBT is to identify these distortions and remove them. Although, The Inner Message Approach™ involves identifying some limiting beliefs and schemas. Its premise is that thoughts and emotions canary so much information about you and that you would be robbing yourself of that information if you only looked at your pattern of thinking and tried to change them to change your life. CBT can be and will likely be used after the Inner Message Approach™ has been implemented, and it is very important that CBT be used only after some work with The Inner Message Approach™ has been done. Otherwise you will lose the connection to the essence of you and the definition of a clear and easier path for you. 


How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than DBT?


At the root of The inner Message Approach™ is the principle that thoughts and emotions are calling your attention so that you can rebalance yourself. By themselves, they are rebalancing attempts. Your job is to decode them to see what they are pointing to so that you can do the inner work. In contrast, at the root of DBT is the idea that you need to rebalance yourself through acquired skills and knowledge about the mind, you will be taught skills and, through the application of them, will rebalance yourself. The main difference relies on the idea that in the Inner Message Approach™, you have everything within to rebalance and that your inner system is constantly working for you to rebalance you through your thoughts and emotions. That being said, DBT can be used after The inner Message Approach™ has been applied. For example, if you discover that you need to regulate your emotions in a different way so that you can motivate yourself in less harmful ways, you can apply some DBT principles and get there. You decide which path and which therapeutic modality best suits you once you have all the information about your deepest desires, your goals, and obstacles. It can be DBT, CBT, etc… It can also be that The inner Message Approach™ is all that you need. You certainly do not need to add anything to it, but you can.



How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than Psychodynamic therapy?


The Inner Message Approach™’s premise is that your thoughts and emotions give you access to subconscious material about you, material that is just underneath the surface, which is usually called pre-conscious, and the method needed to access this material is pure logic, a series of pure logical questions will give you access and when you have access it will feel true to you and will feel obvious. In contrast, psychodynamic therapy is based on the principle that thoughts and emotions are by-products of unconscious processes and that through free associations or connection of themes, underlying patterns will get revealed, these patterns are not available from immediate consciousness. In Inner Message Approach™, everything is there for you, you just have to use your logic to decode it and gain access to your own blueprint. 


How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than Positive Psychology?


The Inner Message Approach™ relies on the idea that you are supported as your thoughts and your emotions are a byproduct of you and carry messages for you for a better future. These thoughts and emotions carry as much positive as negative and as such are neutral, they are just a byproduct of your inner blueprint, so when decoded can give you access to you. In contrast positive psychology wants to tilt your mindset towards positive often through positive affirmation. The belief is that negative thoughts are harmful and should be replaced. In contrast, in the Inner Message Approach™, negative thoughts are calling your attention and are not helpful nor harmful, they are coded messages that can lead you back to you, the essence of you. 


How is the Inner Message Approach™ different than most coaching techniques?


The premise of the Inner Message Approach™ is that you have everything within you to get you where you want to be in life. You have an operational system that creates thoughts and emotions, and these are a byproduct of what you need, what you learned in the past and carry your obstacles. With the use of simple logic, you can decode your thoughts and emotions, connect to the essence of you, and access how to overcome those obstacles for a smooth path towards your goals. In sum, you carry everything within you, and the only need here is to learn to access the wisdom within. In contrast, coaching is based on the premise that you need to be coached. Coaches use a variety of techniques to coach you. Some coaches assume that the answers are “hidden” within you and, through a series of questions, aim to bring to self-awareness these insights. The concept that your thoughts and emotions carry sufficient information about you and about a better future is nonexistent in coaching. The Inner Message Approach™ can be used in coaching for a much easier and more clearly defined path.



In Sum:


  • Unlike reframing or CBT, the Inner Message Approach™ values thoughts and emotions as insightful messages rather than patterns needing alteration.
  • Differing from DBT,  the Inner Message Approach™ emphasizes internal rebalancing through understanding your mental messages.
  • In contrast to Psychodynamic Therapy,  the Inner Message Approach™ focuses on accessing the pre-conscious using logic rather than exploring unconscious patterns.
  • Positive Psychology often promotes a positive mindset, while the Inner Message Approach™ views all thoughts as neutral and insightful.
  • Most coaching methods assume the need for external guidance, whereas this approach empowers you to find answers within your thoughts and emotions.



How can it be added to all these modalities?


In sum, the Inner Message Approach™ helps you gather a lot of information about yourself through simple logical questions that are used to decode your thoughts and emotions. With this information in hand, you can decide which approach you would like to engage in (psychodynamic therapy, CBT, DBT, coaching, etc..), and you will know when a provider steer you in the “right” direction for you and your goals. It is an empowering approach that makes the inner work so much more effective and will save you time and money:) It can be the first step to any other therapeutic modality or a standalone method, depending on individual needs.

It is up to you! You now have access to an easier path to a happy you!



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