

Dr. Saad and her team are amazing. I felt comfortable right from the start, but never expected that I would be able to undergo the major transformation that I did with my therapist’s help. My therapist was warm, understanding and insightful. I highly recommend...


Dr Saad is amazing! She is warm, insightful and gets it! I loved my initial consult with her and got so much out of it! She referred me to a psychologist on her team who specialized in the treatment of anxiety. Let me tell you, I love my therapist! She has been so...


You can stop looking now. Yasmine is one of the most intuitive and supportive people I have ever met. She has been such a blessing in my life and she is incredibly inspiring. Lucky you for finding her.


Forever grateful for finding Dr. Saad! Her thoughtful approach to understanding new clientele in order to match them appropriately with her staff is is truly unparalleled.


It was my first visit to a phycologist in my life. Dr. Yasmine made me feel like home. Beautiful spacious office..tastefully decorated. It was important to me because I’m a visual, creative person and believe in energies. Dr. Yasmine is such a good listener, she...